Rules & Regulations
- Parents / Guardians are bound by school rules in all respects. These rules may shift occasionally. In all matters of dispute, the decision of the Principal remains binding on the Parents/ Guardians.
- According to the rules of the school, Parents / Guardians must accept and authorize participation of their wards in all compulsory educational and recreational programmes. These may be field trips, tours, trek, camps, sports, cultural functions etc.
- The Parents / Guardians will hold the school indemnified against all claims arising through illness, accident or any other cause.
- The Parents / Guardians will authorize the Principal and through her, the staff of the school act as local parents for their wards while they are in school or on tours, treks, camps etc.
- The Parents / Guardians will authorize the Principal to take necessary action on their behalf in case of any emergency operation or condition, where their permission is needed but cannot be obtained in time.
- The Parents / Guardians will agree that in the event of their child / children being withdrawn during the course of the year, whatever the reason, the full fee laid down by the school for the whole year must still be paid.
- The act of smoking, using tobacco in any form, using alcoholic drinks, partaking or being in possession of drugs, leaving the school premises without permission are strictly prohibited and condemned. Students found engaging in unwholesome activities with prohibited substances will be expelled from the school.
- The Principal is fully empowered to remove a student from school if the student fails to abide by the discipline of the school. If the Principal feels that the student’s continued presence within the institute is detrimental to the other students of the school ,the student will be expelled. Students can also be removed from the school if they repeatedly fail to raise their performance to the academic standard expected from him/her, especially when detention in the same class would make the student too old for his/her class.
Leave rules:
Normally our students are not permitted to go on leave during the middle of the term except in the following cases:
- Students may be allowed a maximum of 3 days leave if there is an important event or emergency within their family. However, this kind of absence shall not be granted during examination period.
- Leave may be granted for special medical treatment, provided the episode is detailed with authorised medical documents.
- Parents / Guardians must write a letter of request addressed to the School authorities in order to receive a leave of absence for their ward. Telephonic requests are not validated. Students are not allowed to ask for leave through any means. Parents and Guardians are expected to bring their children back to School on the scheduled date that has been approved by authorities, failure to demonstrate this responsibility might hamper the child’s chances of being readmitted to the school premises.
- Boarders who have gone out due to some disease will have to produce the medical fitness certificate before they are taken back.
Breach of Discipline
Sound discipline creates the backbone of our Institute. A student fears suspension, expulsion and rustication if he/she is found guilty of misconduct, insubordination, disobedience, theft, fraud, damage to or loss of school’s goods or property, absence without leave for more than 10 days, habitual late attendance etc. smoking, conviction in any court of law for any criminal offence involving moral turpitude, giving false information, threatening, abusing or assaulting any school employee or student, abetment of of attempt of abetment of any of the above, failure or refusal to wear school uniform, any action which adversely affects the good governance.
Parenting tips
Parenting is the toughest task in the world. The future and the personality of child depends on the every small move and every small decision of a parent. Here are few do's and don't for parents as far as taking care of child is concerned:
- Make your child realize that he/she is most important for you.
- Accept your child the way he/she is
- Don't let your child's result affect your mood
- Give quality time to to with them.
- Be very particular about your decision. Don't change or alter your decision on your child's tantrums else he/she will have the habit of showing them every then and now.
- Listen to matter how busy you are.
- Retrospect their behaviour minutely. Every small change is alarming.
- Child imitate you... don't force them to practice something you are not telling them to read when you yourself is too engrossed over phone. Read and they imitate you... talk politely and they imitate you..
- Don't focus on outcome...focus on process.

Indra Nooyi The ex CEO of PepsiCo once said in a interview 'I am what I'm because my parents have contributed every bit of their time and effort in me... how can I expect the same from my child when I have not even given my one-forth of them.
School Vision
About UsOur aim is to enable each child to be all that he/she is created to be. The development of a well-rounded child is a significant goal, because such a child is balanced academically, physically, spiritually, socially and emotionally. A happy blend of educational system is there which is based on appreciation of our traditional values and understanding of modern techniques of learning. Besides, the aim of the school is to inculcate high character, refined manners and development of creative and artistic faculties. Delhi Public School is an institution proceeding under the effective leadership of visionary management and qualified staff and the environment conducive for the holistic development of every child is being maintained.